
A Scarf In Time For Summer

Originally uploaded by nay_knits
Sunshine, 80 degrees, sunscreen, endless swimming, and bonfires. I know what you're thinking ... time to knit a scarf! OK, maybe not, but all those things mean the end of the school year for me. So while the kiddos splash away, I knit as fast as I can.

This scarf pattern is one of my favorites. The feathers and fan stitch makes any yarn look good. Well almost any yarn. For this one, I used 2 skeins of Madelintosh Tosh Sock head doubled throughout. It was love at first sight at the yarn store. Something about the pinks, fuschia, and black grabbed me and wouldn't let go. That hold lasted for about 20 rows and then the color pooling started. I kept cutting a strand and reattaching in hopes to avoid the mass areas of color, but it just meant pooling of different color combinations and more ends to weave in. I finally gave up, but on blinders and kept knitting.

Although I did not like the finished product solely for the yarn issue, the recipient (son's 2nd grade teacher) absolutely loved it! She had been eyeing the one I knit for myself all school year. I'm glad I made her one - she's worth every stitch!


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