
Facebook Takes The Cake

OMG! I haven't been this addicted to anything on the web since my first AOL account 10+ years ago. No homework or knitting has gotten down since I created an account on Monday. Hopefully non of my professors are reading this .... People just keep popping up that I haven't seen or talked for eons (not quite sure how to spell that one). Very cool toy.

I was chatting tonight with a neighbor who is over in Iraq. It was amazing to think about how fast we communicated. We updated each other on the local weather and my forecast of cold with a dusting of snow was trumped with kind of cold with a dusting of dust!!

I know I should immediate turn my attention to homework after I sign-off, but I'd rather knit!


Stitches versus Studies

Ladies and gentlemen ...

Let's get ready toooo ... ah ..um .... aww crap I've got to do homework. I just want to knit. Baby booties, and little tiny hats, and Christmas presents, and warm wooly socks, and felt handbags. These are a few of my favorite things .... sorry.

A quick shout out to all my fellow JavaScript classmates - Hi ya'll! How's that coding going for you? Not so well for me. I'm still stuck somewhere in Chapter 8 and seeing how I should be in Chapter 9 by now ... YIKES! Anyway, when I started this blog I was not in school earning my degree so I had a ton of time to knit and blog. Now I barely have the time to sleep!

So instead of just one more row, I find myself saying, "Just one more code example."